Monday, April 6, 2009

Two Months Old

I can't believe how much Cole has changed in the last week - let alone in the last month! During this past month, we have had Cole meet my brother and his girlfriend, Jason's brother David and his fiance Jourdan, and we even took a weekend trip to St Paul, so Cole got to meet all of our friends in MN. Cole did great on his first road trip, he slept the whole way. We just got a pack and play and absolutely love it! In fact, it is up in our room and he sometimes sleeps in it at night. It is funny because he likes the mobile on that (just a wind up mobile) more than he likes his fancy one (that even has a remote control)!

As you can see in this video, he has found his hand. He has never taken to a pacifier - even though we have tried every different kind they have in Aberdeen. Cole is a very happy baby. He smiles all the time - especially when he is getting a diaper change! He only cries when he is hungry and whimpers a little when he is ready to sleep. He still only sleeps 2-3 hours at a time, but is usually pretty good at night, usually falling asleep on his own in his crib.

I have officially returned to work, but Jason is home this week with him, then my mom will be staying with us for a while. It is nice to be able to go home and nurse him at lunch time. He did give us a scare when he started boycotting bottles a week ago, but we found out that he just boycott's them from me. He will be going to the YMCA daycare, where my friend's kids go too. He got his 2 month vaccines a couple weeks ago and only cried a little. At that time (he was 7 weeks old) he weighed almost 12 lbs. He is in size 2 diapers and 9 month clothing already. Our lab is the dog that follows him (and me) the most. She usually gets up with us at night and makes sure to give him kisses during the day. We are currently finishing our basement and Cole has been helping us (he can sleep through almost anything). I will try to update more pictures soon. We are looking forward to the trip in July for David's wedding and some other weekend camping trips around here.