Sunday, July 20, 2008


These were the pictures that we sent out to both his parents and my parents.

We call the baby Peanut, because that is the first thing that Jason thought of when he saw it on the ultra sound screen.

The really cool story is that I had no idea I was pregnant. We had been trying for what seemed like forever to us (a few months). I didn't feel different and had actually failed a pregnancy test. After a weekend of boating and golfing, and certain, womanly things not happening - Jason urged me to take another pregnancy test. I did, but the faint blue line that made the plus sign just didn't convince us of the thing that we had wanted for so long. So on my way to work, I stopped to pick up the easy to read kind.

We actually went to the doctor and had the pregnancy confirmed on our 4 year anniversary. Jason had let me in on his big secret as to why I wasn't able to get pregnant before our conception date of 5/26/2008 (yes his and Gramps' birthday - which the ultrasound confirmed!). We always wish on eye lashes we find and he had always wished "i wish we don't have a baby until we are 26" No kidding.

Needless to say - I am already a worrying mom. We got an ultra sound done early because of some "pain" I was having. I think I belong to 3 or 4 websites that tell me what to expect, plus the book that I make Jason read. I think both sets of grandparents are really excited, although we now will be 17 hours away. This will be the first baby on both sides - so we are hoping that it will be super spoiled.

Overall, my pregnancy has been pretty good. I am pretty nauseous, but really only get sick at night and when I eat greasy food. So far Peanut is a health food junky. I am tired and definitely find myself a little more moody than usual. And now, I have a reason for Jason to have to take bathroom breaks on road trips. I am trying to hold off telling anyone until 8.8.08, the end of my first trimester. But it has been hard. With the new house, new job, new baby, I am full of mixed emotions, but really excited for the next few months.

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